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- afAZ: [
- "Samuel Murray"
- ],
- ar: [
- "Khaled Fadhel"
- ],
- bgBG: [
- "Peter Stoilov"
- ],
- caAD: [
- "Joan Junyent"
- ],
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- "Banta"
- ],
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- "stw"
- ],
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- "Jason Verber",
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- "Alberto González Palomo"
- ],
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- ],
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- "Pascal Pichon",
- "Jojaba",
- "La Luciole"
- ],
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- "Doron Tilleman"
- ],
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- "tdombos"
- ],
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- "Andrea",
- "Elisabetta Manuele",
- "Giuliano Masseroni",
- "Luca Pedrazzi"
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- "Andreas Bovens",
- "Michael Schiltz"
- ],
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- "Wtspout"
- ],
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- "cybermon"
- ],
- nbNO: [
- "Finn Arne J├╕rgensen"
- ],
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- "Andreas Bovens",
- "Michael Schiltz",
- "Rintze Zelle"
- ],
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- "Pawel Krzyworzeka",
- "Trevor Owens"
- ],
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- "Humberto Sartini"
- ],
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- "XRex"
- ],
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- "Turcan"
- ],
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- "Yar"
- ],
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- "Igor Miletic"
- ],
- svSE: [
- "Erik Stattin"
- ],
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- "Zeki Celikbas"
- ],
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- "Wenping Guo"
- ],
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- <label class="text-link" href="http://chnm.gmu.edu" value="Center for History and New Media"/>
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- <label value="Sean Takats"/>
- </vbox>
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- <label value="Simon Kornblith"/>
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- <label value="David Norton (developer)"/>
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- <label class="text-link" href="http://simile.mit.edu/timeline/" value="SIMILE Project (Timeline)"/>
- <label class="text-link" href="http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project" value="Tango Desktop Project (pref icons)"/>
- <label class="text-link" href="http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/user/pollak/webpagedump/" value="WebPageDump (snapshot code)"/>
- <label class="text-link" href="http://xbiblio.sourceforge.net/" value="XBiblio (Citation Style Language)"/>
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- <label class="text-link" href="http://www.mellon.org/" value="Andrew W. Mellon Foundation"/>
- <label class="text-link" href="http://www.imls.gov/" value="Institute of Museum and Library Services"/>
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